Teaching (Tianshan Glacier, 2002.08.20)

I have been enjoying teaching at all levels in Geology/Earth Sciences departments in China (1982-1985), Australia (1993-2001), USA (2003-2004) and UK (since 2005), while studying and conducting research in the intervening years:Mineralogy, crystallography and optical mineralogyRocks and MineralsOre microscopy and ore depositsField mapping/excursionsIgneous petrologyMetamorphic PetrologyTrace element and radiogenic isotope geochemistryThermodynamics for geologistsMarine geology and plate tectonicsAnalytical methods in geochemistryEarth Science Frontiers/Seminars on geodynamics, global tectonics, mantle circulation,planetary perspectivesPetrology, geochemistry and global tectonicsField studies of ophiolites and orogenic belts
I am a principal supervisor of 12 PhD studnets and 29 MS studnets completed by Jamnuary 2019.