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Curriculum Vitae


1. Personal details

Born on October 15, 1959, Lintao, Gansu, China, Citizen of Britain and Australia; Married, two children.

2. Education

PhD (1992), Geology & Geophysics, University of Hawaii (USA) (GPA: 4.000); Advisor: Rodey Batiza
MS (1988), Economic Geology, University of Alabama (USA) (GPA: 3.884); Advisor: C. Michael Lesher
BSc (1982), Geology, Lanzhou University (China) (GPA: 3.820)

3. Languages

Chinese, Native, reading, speaking and writing fluently

English, reading, speaking and writing fluently

French, passed French reading proficiency examination (April 1989, University of Hawaii)

4. Professional appointments

01/23–        Honorable Professor, Marine Geology, Laoshan Laboratory, Qingdao, China

12/04–10/22       Professor of Earth Sciences, Durham University, UK

01/03–12/04       Associate Professor, University of Houston (relinquished NERC Senior Research Fellowship), USA

01/01–12/02       Senior Research Fellow of the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) of the United Kingdom, Cardiff University (relinquished the tenured post in Queensland), UK

11/97–12/00       Senior Lecturer (with tenure) of Petrology, Geochemistry & Economic Geology, The University of Queensland, Australia

08/93–11/97       Lecturer of Petrology, Geochemistry & Economic Geology, The University of Queensland, Australia

01/96–03/96       Visiting Scientist at IFREMER, France

09/92–08/93       Postdoctoral Scientist, Columbia University, USA; Supervisor: Charles H. Langmuir

05/92–08/92       Postdoctoral Scientist, University of Hawaii, USA; Supervisor: Rodey Batiza

12/88–05/92       Graduate Research Assistant, University of Hawaii, USA

01/88–12/88       Graduate Research Assistant, Northwestern University, USA

01/86–12/87       Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Alabama, USA

08/83–07/84       Visiting Lecturer, Department of Geology, Nanjing University, China

08/83–12/85       Researcher, Institute for Development & Exploration, Lanzhou University, China

01/82–12/85       Assistant Lecturer of Economic Geology, Lanzhou University, China

5. Professional affiliations

Member: American Geophysical Union (Fellow), Geochemical Society, National Geographic Society, European Geosciences Union, Geological Society of America (Fellow), The Geological Society of London (Fellow); Previously Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry; Previously Student member of The Society of Economic Geologists

6. Fellowships, awards, honours & other qualifications

2022               2019 Highly Cited Researcher (HCR) by Calrivate Analytics (Web of Science)

2019               2019 Highly Cited Researcher (HCR) by Calrivate Analytics (Web of Science)

2019               Fellow, American Geophysical Union

2018               2018 Highly Cited Researcher (HCR) by Calrivate Analytics (Web of Science)

2017               2017 Highly Cited Researcher (HCR) by Calrivate Analytics (Web of Science)

2010               Honorary Professor, Lanzhou University (2010-2013), Institute of Oceanology (2013-2017), China University of Geosciences in Beijing (since 2018)

2010               Christopherson/Knott Fellowship, Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University (

2009–2010:    Leverhulme Research Fellowship, The Leverhulme Trust

2008–             Guest Research Fellow, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China

2008               Fellow, The Geological Society of London

2006               Fellow, Geological Society of America

2005–2007     Guest Professor, Peking University, Beijing, China

2005–2017     Guest Professor, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China

2005–2009     Guest  Professor, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

2004–2007     Guest Professor, Northwest University, Xi’an, China

2003–2005     Visiting Professor, Peking University, Beijing, China

2002:              Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scientist by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

2001–2005     Senior Research Fellow of Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC, based at Cardiff University) of the United Kingdom

2000–2004     Guest Research Fellow of Geochemistry, Tianjin Institute of Geology & Mineral Resources, China

2000               Qualified for “fonctions de professeur des universités arrêtées” in Structure et évolution de la Terre et des autres planètes, France

2000–2002     Australian ARC IREX Award.

1999–2005     Guest Professor of China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China

1996               The University of Queensland Students’ nomination for The most effective teacher of the year award in 1996.

01–03/96       Visiting Fellow by French Government for collaborative research with French Scientists at IFREMER, France

1992               Awarded prestigious Institutional Postdoctoral Fellowships by (1) Scripps Institution of Oceanography (declined); (2) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (declined); and (3) Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University (accepted)

1992–1993    Postdoctoral Fellow awarded by Columbia University, USA

1991               Watumull Scholarship for Academic Excellence awarded by University of Hawaii, USA

1988–1992     Research Assistantship awarded by University of Hawaii, USA

1987–1988     The University Fellow for Academic Excellence awarded by Northwestern University, USA

1986–1987     Research Assistantship awarded by The University of Alabama, USA

1978–1981     Honored and awarded for The Excellent Student of the Year for three consecutive years by Lanzhou University, China

7.1. National/International ccommittee services

2009–             Member,IMA Commission on Solid Earth Composition and Evolution (SECE)

2006–2009     Director, Geochemical Society (

2005–             Member, Science Advisory Committee, Key National Laboratory of Isotope Geochronology and Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

2005–2007     MemberNERC Peer Review College

2004–2008     ChairmanCommission on Solid Earth Composition and Evolution (SECE) of IUGS ( &

2002–             MemberChinese NSF Review Panel

1999–             Founding member of IPACES (International Professionals for the Advancement of Chinese Earth Sciences)

1998–2000     Member, Ocean Drilling Program Australia Science Committee

1997–2000     Member, The University of Queensland EPSA Faculty Board

7.2. Departmental duties:

2014–2020     Coordinator, Natural Science Program

2011–?         International Coordinator, Science Faculty

2007–2008     Member, Research Committee

2007–2008     Organizer, External Research Seminars

2007–2008     Member, Management Committee

2007–2008     Director, Postgraduate Research

1996–2000     Chief Examiner, The University of Queensland

1993–2000     Director, ICP-MS & Ultraclean geochemistry Laboratory, The University of Queensland

8.1. Editorial services – Guest Editor of special volumes

2015/2016      Guest Editor (Yaoling Niu, Marge Wilson) Special Journal of Petrology volume (Oxford University Press), “Magma generation and evolution: In honor of Michael J. O’Hara for his life-long contributions to understanding the working of the Earth and other planets by means of petrology and geochemistry”, Vol. 57, Issue 11/12, 2016.

2015/2016      Guest Editor (Di-Cheng Zhu, Sun-Lin Chung, Yaoling Niu) Special Lithos volume (Elsevier), “Recent advances on the tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Greater Tibetan Plateau: A Special Issue in Honor of Prof. Guitang Pan”, Vol. 245, 2016

2013-2014      Guest Editor (Weidong Sun, Fang-Zhen Teng, Yaoling Niu, Yoshiyuki Tatsumi, Xiao-Yong Yang) Special Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta volume (Elsevier), “The Subduction Factory: Geochemical perspectives”, Vol. 143, Issues 1, 2014

2011/2012      Guest Editor (Sun-Lin Chung, Yong-Fei Zheng, Yaoling Niu, Weidong Sun & Suu-Guang Song) Special Chemical Geology volume (Elsevier), “Geochemical perspectives on mantle dynamics and plate interactions in Asia – A special issue in honor/memory of Dr. Shen-su Sun”, Vol. 328, Issues 1-4, 2012

2010/2011      Guest Editor (Yaoling Niu & Marge Wilson) Special Journal of Petrology volume (Oxford University Press), “Magma generation and evolution and global tectonics – A volume in honor of the work of Peter J. Wyllie”, Vol. 52, Issues 7-8, 2011

2008/2009      Guest Editor (Yaoling Niu) Special Lithos volume (Elsevier), “Recent developments on seafloor petrology and tectonics – A volume in honor of Roger Hékinian for his life-long contributions to marine petrology and tectonics”, Vol. 112, Issues 1-2, 2009

2006/2007      Guest Editor (Yaoling Niu & Shuguang Song) Special Lithos volume (Elsevier), “The origin, composition, evolution and present state of continental lithosphere” Vol. 96, Issues 1-2, 2007

2003/2004      Guest Editor (Yaoling Niu, Claude Herzberg & Marge Wilson) Special Journal of Petrology volume (Oxford University Press), “Magma generation and evolution in the Earth – A volume in honor of the work of Michael J. O’Hara”, Vol. 45, Issue 12, 2004.

8.2. Editorial services – Editor and editorial board member

2015–2017   Executive Editor (Earth Sciences), Science Bulletin (Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese National Natural Science Foundation; Elsevier online)

2014–2015   Specialty Chief Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in Petrology (Frontiers in Earth Science) (

2012–           Member, Editorial Board, Northwest China Geology (Xi’an Centre of Chinese Geological Survey, China)

2010–           Member, Editorial Board, Science Bulletin of Lanzhou University (Lanzhou University, China)

2010–           Member, Editorial Board, Geology & Exploration (China Metallurgical Geology Bureau & Geological Society of China)

2010–2013   Member, Editorial Board, Geosciences Frontiers (China University of Geosciences, Elsevier online)

2009–           Member, Editorial Board, Central European Journal of Geosciences (Versita, Springer online)

2009–           Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Earth Sciences (China; Springer online)

2008–           Member, Editorial Board, Advances in Earth Sciences (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

2008–2013   Member, Editorial Board, Lithos (Elsevier)

2006–2015   Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (Elsevier)

2005–2013   Member, Editorial Board, Earth Science Frontiers (China; Elsevier online)

2005–           Member, Editorial Board, Geological Journal of China Universities (China; Elsevier online)

2003–2014   Executive Editor (one of them), Chinese Science Bulletin (Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese National Natural Science Foundation; Springer online)

9.1. Symposium/conference organizer/convener/Chair

2015                Goldschmidt Conference, August 16-21, Prague, CZ

2014                Goldschmidt Conference, June 8-13, Sacramento, USA

2012                Chinese Annual National Conference on Petrology and Geodynamics, September 19 – 24, Lanzhou, China (lead organizer)

2012                34th IGC, Symposium (21.4) “Magmatism in extensional environments (continental rifts and MORs)”, August 5–9, Brisbane, Australia

2011                AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Recent developments on the origin and evolution of the Tibetan Plateau

2010                AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, New Advances in Studies of the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas

2009                “Magma generation and evolution and global tectonics – A symposium in honor of Peter J. Wyllie for his life-long contributions to understanding how the Earth works”, Goldschmidt Conference, June 21– 26, Davos, Switzerland (lead organizer)

2007                AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

2006                Western Pacific AGU Meeting, Beijing

2005                IUGS-SECE Conference “The origin, evolution and present state of subcontinental lithosphere”, June 25–July 1, Beijing, China (lead organizer)

2004                “Plate Tectonics, Plumes and Planetary Lithospheres Conference – Celebration of Kevin Burke’s 75th Birthday”, November 12–15, Houston, USA (lead organizer)

2003                AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

2003                EUG-EGS-AGU Assembly “Magma generation and evolution in the Earth and other terrestrial planets – a 21st Century perspective – a symposium to celebrate the 70th birthday of Mike O’Hara”, Nice, France (lead organizer)

2002                AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

2002                Royal Society-China Joint Project “Symposium on Igneous Rocks, Tectonics and Mineralization”, September 24–26, Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Tianjin, China (lead organizer)

1999                Goldschmidt Conference, Harvard University, USA

1995                EUG 8th, Strasberg, France

1994                AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

9.2. Invited conference speaker

2019                Invited, Qingdao National Marine Laboratory Conference, January 9-11, Qingdao, China

2018:               Invited, Jiangsu-Zhejiang Geoscience Forum, October 13-14, Nantong, China

2017                Invited, International Workshop on “Continental margin in South China: Multidisciplinary frontiers in neutrino geoscience”, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, July 21-23, , Beijing, China

2015                Invited, Goldschmidt Conference, August 16 – 21, Prague, CZ

2015                Invited, Workshop on the relationship of western Pacific subduction with destruction of the North China Craton, March 26-27, Beijing, China

2015                Invited, Workshop on the geology and tectonic evolution of western Pacific, March 20-21, Qingdao, China

2014                Invited, Goldschmidt Conference, June 8 – 13, Sacramento, USA

2013                Plenary Keynote, Chinese Annual National Conference on Petrology and Geodynamics, December 1 – 5, Guangzhou, China

2013                Plenary Keynote, Chinese Biannual National Conference on Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, July 23 – 25, Nanjing, China

2012                On the origin of depleted MORB mantle (DMM), September 20 – 24, Lanzhou, China

2012                Plenary Keynote, Chinese Annual National Conference on Deep Sea and Earth Systems Research, July 2 – 4, Shanghai, China

2012                Plenary Keynote, Chinese Annual National Conference on Structural Geology and Geodynamics, March 29 – April 1, Wuhan, China

2012                Invited, Continental crust accretion, 34th IGC, August 5 – 10, Brisbane, Australia

2011                The history, present state and future of the “Mohole Project”, 2011 IODP Annual IODP Meeting of China, October 17-18, Shanghai, China

2011                Pre-conference Lectures on Magma Generation devolution and global tectonics, Chinese Annual National Conference on Petrology and Geodynamics, October 14 – 19, Xi’an, China

2011                KeynoteInternational Conference on Craton Formation and Destruction, April 25 – 29, Beijing, China

2010                Keynote, Goldschmidt Conference, June 13 – 18, Knoxville, USA

2009                Keynote, Chinese Annual National Conference on Petrology and Geodynamics, September 20 – 26, Changchun, China

2009                Goldschmidt Conference, June 21 – 26, Davos, Switzerland

2008                Keynote, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

2006                Goldschmidt Conference, August 27 – September 1, Melbourne, Australia

2005                Keynote, IUGS-SECE Conference “The origin, evolution and present state of subcontinental lithosphere”, June 25 – July 1, Beijing, China

2004                Keynote, “Plate Tectonics, Plumes and Planetary Lithospheres Conference – Celebration of Kevin Burke’s 75th Birthday”, November 12 – 15, Houston, USA

2003                Keynote, EUG-EGS-AGU Assembly “Magma generation and evolution in the Earth and other terrestrial planets – a 21st Century perspective – a symposium to celebrate the 70th birthday of Mike O’Hara”, Nice, France

2002                AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

2002                KeynoteRoyal Society-China Joint Project “Symposium on Igneous Rocks, Tectonics and Mineralization”, September 24 – 26, Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Tianjin, China

1999                Keynote, Goldschmidt Conference, Harvard University, USA

1995                EUG 8, Strasberg, France

1993                AGU Spring Meeting, Baltimore, USA

1991                AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

9.3. Invited institutional speaker (since 1995)

2019:               China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

2018:               China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Acaemy of Sciences (Guangzhou)

2017:               University of Leeds (UK), Australian National University, Institute of Geology of Chinese Geological Survey (Beijing), Shandong University of Science and Technology (China), Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (China), China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Nanjing University, China

2016:               University of Queensland and University of Tasmania (Australia); Shanghai Ocean University, Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (China), Scripps Institution of Oceanography (USA), China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Zhejiang University (China)

2015:               China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

2014:               China University of Petroleum University (Qingdao), First Institute of Oceanology of Chinese Marine Bureau (Qingdao), China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

2013:               Xi’an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (China), China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Peking University (Beijing), Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Guiyang), China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Nanjing University (Nanjing, China), Qingdao Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)

2012:               China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China Bureau of Earthquakes Administration, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Xi’an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (China), Chang’an University (China), Lanzhou University (China), Peking University (China), Qingdao Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China), Institute of South China Sea Oceanology

2011:               Lanzhou University (China)

2010:               University of Cambridge (UK), Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China), Tongji University (Shanghai, China), Chinese Academy of Sciences (Guangzhou, China), Lanzhou University (China), Northwest University (China), Xi’an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (China)

2009:               Peking University (China), Lanzhou University (China)

2008:               China University of Ocean Sciences (Qingdao, China), Lanzhou University (China), University College of London (UK)

2007:               China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)

2006:               Peking University (China), China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), University of Hong Kong, University of Cambridge (UK), University of Leicester (UK), University of Edinburgh (UK)

2005:               Nanjing University (China), China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China), Northeast Geological Society (UK)

2004:               Rice University (USA), Durham University (UK), Peking University (China), Northwest University (China), University of Science & Technology of China, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

2003:               Lunar and Planetary Institute (USA)

2002:               Oxford University (UK), University of Houston (US), Royal Holloway University of London (UK), Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (China), Peking University (China), China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (France)

2001:               Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (China), Peking University (China), Northwest University (China), University of Kiel (Germany), Bristol University (UK), Cardiff University (UK)

2000:               Australian National University (Australia)

1998:               Lanzhou University (China), Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (China), Yunnan Institute of Geology (China), Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China), Peking University (China), Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (Beijing, China), China University of Geosciences (Beijing, China), University of Science and Technology of China (Hefei, China), Nanjing University (China)

1996:               IFREMER (France), Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (France), Queensland University of Technology (Australia)

1995:               University of Potsdam (Germany), IFREMER (France), Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

1994:               Queensland University of Technology (Australia)

9.4. Invited lecture series

2018:               “Global tectonics – A petrological and geochemical approach“, Guangzhou Instituite of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, December 3-7; Guangzhou, China

2018:               “Global tectonics – A petrological and geochemical approach“, China University of Geosciences in Beijing, October 29-November 2; Beijing, China

2015:               “Global tectonics – A petrological and geochemical approach“, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, April 25-26; Huairou, Beijing, China

2013:               “Global tectonics – A petrological and geochemical approach“, Guiyang Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, September 9-12; China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, September 14-16

2012:               “Magmatism of Ocean Basins and Magmatic Anomalies“, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, September 15 – 19, Guangzhou, China

2010:               “Deep-Sea Geological Processes and Evolution of Oceanic Lithosphere” at Tongji Ocean Sciences Summer School, August 2 – 10, Shanghai, China

2008:               “Magmatism in ocean basins and mantle dynamics – A petrologic and geochemical approach” at Qingdao Ocean Sciences Summer School, July 9 – 13, “International advances in deep-sea marine geo-bioscience research”, Qingdao, China

2006:               “Using petrology and geochemistry of igneous and metamorphic rocks as a means to understanding how the Earth works – tackling regional and global problems on land, beneath oceans, and in the Earth’s interior”, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

2004:               “Fundamentals of igneous petrology, geochemistry and global tectonics”, Peking University, China

2002:               “Magma generation and evolution, subduction initiation, intra-plate and mid-ocean ridge magmatism and plume-ridge interactions“, Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, China

1998:               “Petrology, geochemistry and global tectonics”, Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

1998:               “Petrology, geochemistry and global tectonics”, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China

1998:                [1] “Global tectonics, magma generation and mantle convection”,[2] “Mantle melting dynamics and ocean floor petrology”, [3] “Ocean floor sampling and recent advances in ocean ridge dynamics”, and [4] “Applications of ICP-MS in petrology and geochemistry” in a number of Chinese institutions (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Lanzhou University, Peking University, China University of Geosciences in Beijing, Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Science and Technology University of China, and Nanjing University)

10. Geological field experience

2019                  Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanology and petrology, Northeast China; Sampling high-pressure metamorphic rocks of Paleozoic Qilian subduction zone complex, Northwest China; Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Proterozoic Jixian Group, North China Craton; Magmatism and metamorphism of the Archean Taishan Group , North China Craton  (NFSC, CAS)

2018                  Sampling granulite and granulitic rocks from the North China Craton; Trans-Qilian Orogenic Belt and sampling ophiolite and high-pressure metamorphic rocks (NFSC, CUGB)

2017                  Trans-Qinling Orogenic Belt from southern North China Craton to northern Yangtz Craton (petrology, geochemistry and geochronology of Archean-to-Cretaceous magmatic, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks) (NFSC, CAS)

2016                  Sampling Mesozoic granitoid rocks in central Qinling Orogenic Belt (NFSC, CAS)

2015                  Sampling Mesozoic volcanic rocks (mostly basaltic) in eastern China (NFSC, CAS)

2014                  Sampling Mesozoic granitoids in eastern China (NFSC, CAS)

2013                  Sampling syncollisional granitoids along the Qilian Orogenic Belt, Northern Tibetan Plateau (NSFC)

2012                  Sampling syncollisional granitoids on the northern Tibetan Plateau; Geological excursions/visits of several large Cr, V-Ti-Fe and Cu-Ni ore deposits in various places in China (Chinese Geological Survey)

08-09/2011       Geological excursion in northwestern China, investigating late Paleozoic mineralization (Cu-Ni sulfide and V-Ti magnetite deposits associated mafic intrusions; porphyry Cu-Mo deposits; and volcanic-associated massive magnetite deposits (Chinese Geological Survey)

07-08/2011       Geological excursion in eastern China, sampling Mesozoic/Cenozoic basalts and mantle xenoliths (NSFC)

08/2010             Geological excursion in South China (Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Leverhulme Trust Fellowship)

07/2010             Sampling Cenozoic carbonatite/alkali basalts in western Qingling, western China (Lanzhou University/CUGB/Leverhulme Trust Fellowship)

07/2010             Sampling syncollisional granitoids from Qilian Orogenic Belt, western China (Lanzhou University/CUGB/Leverhulme Trust Fellowship)

09/2009             Sampling syncollisional granitoids from the Greater Tibetan Plateau, western China (CUGB/NSFC/Leverhulme Trust Fellowship)

07/2009             Sampling Cenozoic alkali basalts and mantle xenoliths, Northern China (CUGB/ Leverhulme Trust Fellowship)

07/2008             Sampling blueschists and eclogites along the Qilian Suture Zone, Northern Tibetan Plateau, NW China (NSFC/PKU)

09/2007             Cenozoic volcanism in NE China (NSFC and Royal Society – UK-China Science Network follow-up)

09-10/2006       Gangdese Magmatic belt and Indus-Yarlung Suture zone, Tibet, China (NSFC/CUGB)

07/2006             Active volcanoes, NE China, NSFC and Royal Society – UK-China Science Network field workshop

07/2004             Ultrahigh pressure metamorphism, North Qaidam basin, Qinghai, NW China (NSFC)

06/2004             Kimberlites in Dalian (Liaoning) and Yimen (Shandong), Eastern China (NSFC)

2004–2009        Co-proponent of IODP drilling proposal “Testing Plume and Plate Models of Ocean Plateau Formation at Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean”, scheduled/drilled in September-November 2009

09–10/2002       “Archean” ophiolite, Proterozoic V-Ti-Fe and Ni-Cu ore deposits associated with mafic and ultramafic cumulates, North, Central, and NW China (NSFC and Royal Society – UK-China Joint Project)

07–09/2002       Ultrahigh pressure pillow eclogites/blueschists, Chinese Tianshan, NW China (NSFC and Royal Society – UK-China Joint Project)

09–10/2001       Luobusha and Xikeze ophiolites in Tibet; Petrology and tectonics in continental collision zones – ultra-high pressure eclogites in Western and Central China; Proterozoic mantle plume activities in Central China (NSFC/Chinese Geological Survey)

10–11/1998       Field studies of Mesozoic/Cenozoic volcanics, and neotectonics in response to the uplift of Tibetan Plateau, Yunnan, SW China (ARC and NSFC)

07–08/1998       Field studies of Qilian ophiolites and subduction zone complexes, NW China (ARC and NSFC)

1996 –1997       Field studies of the Marlborough ophiolite in central Queensland, Australia (ARC)

07–08/1990       Ridge Institute Workshop: Mantle Flow, Melt Generation, and Lithospheric Deformation at Mid-Ocean Ridges, Boulder, Colorado, USA (NSF)

1986–1987        Gold deposits studies, Southern Appalachian, USA

1986–1987        Massive sulfide deposits studies, Southern Appalachian, USA

1983–1984        Reconnaissance studies of Gansu’s ore deposits, NW China

1983                  Reconnaissance studies of mineralization along eastern Yangtze River, South China

06–08/1983       Field studies of Western Qingling Metallogenic Belt, Central China

1982–1983        Field studies of volcanic sequences in Northern Gansu, NW China

1981–1982        Field studies of Baiyin massive sulfide base metal deposits, NW China

11. Seagoing experience

04–05/2001        RSS James Clark Ross of British Antarctic Survey: Petrologist.  Crustal structure at Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 15°20’N (NERC)

10–12/1997        D/V JOIDES Resolution: Petrologist, drilling oceanic lower crust produced at extremely slow-spreading ridges: deepening Hole 735B, ODP Leg 176 (ARC)

09–11/1995        D/V JOIDES Resolution: Petrologist, drilling seaward-dipping reflector sequences, Southeast Greenland, ODP Leg 163 (ARC)

02–03/1994        R/V Melville: Co-PI, sampling (dredging & coring) the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge between 57°S and 65°S (NSF)

09–10/1992        R/V Atlantis II: Petrologist, sampling (dredging & coring) the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Azores Platform and the Hayes Transform at ~ 32°N (NSF)

07–08/1992        R/V Melville: Petrologist, sampling (dredging & coring) the East Pacific Rise axis and flanks up to 800 Ka crust at 9°30’N, 10°30’N and 11°20’N (NSF)

01–03/1992        D/V JOIDES Resolution: Petrologist, drilling zero age ocean crust at 9°30’N, East Pacific Rise, ODP Leg 142 (NSF)

07–08/1989        R/V WECOMA: Petrologist, sampling (dredging) the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and near-ridge seamounts (NSF)

12. Research interests

(1) petrology and geochemistry of mantle peridotites, basalts and basaltic rocks, granites and granitoid rocks, high- and ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks and ore deposits; (2) ocean ridge magmatism, intraplate magmatism, subduction-zone processes, magmatism associated with continental collision and continental crust accretion; (3) causes and effects of seafloor subduction and global tectonics, chemical geodynamics and mantle circulation; (4) elemental and isotope geochemistry, geochronology and geological applications.

13. Supervision

BSc Honors students: Macgregor Denton, Arndt Brettschneider, Fiona Lenkeit, Suzie Mackie and Trinity Gilmore (Queensland)

MS students: Simona Simonovic,  Alexandru Maximciuc, Lili Yu, Rachel Sissenwein, Jian Huang (University of Houston); Josh Davies, Kirstie Large, Emily Simpson and John West (Durham, 2005-2006); Sofia Stone, Oliver Sutton, Emma Humphreys and Melanie Hinrichs (Durham, 2006-2007); Alex Sharp and Lucy Martin (Durham, 2007-2008); Chen Wei and Dong Xin (co-supervised, China University of Geosciences in Beijing, CUGB, 2006-2008), Huang Hui (CUGB, 2008-2010), Hei Huixin (CUGB, 2009-2010), Ding Shuo (CUGB, 2011), Cui Huixia, Sun Pu, Sun Wenli, Ma Yuxin (Lanzhou, 2014), Shao Fengli (CUGB, 2014), Meng Duan (CUGB, 2016), Ye Lei, Liu Jinju, Hu Zhenxing, Zhang Guorui (Lanzhou, 2015),  Imogen Waktare (Durham, uncompleted, 2015), Hu Yan (IO-CAS, 2015), Jiyong Li (IO-CAS, 2016), Di Hong (IO-CAS, 2018), Qiqi Xue (CUGB, 2018), Yajie Gao (IO-CAS, 2019), Shan Li (IO-CAS, 2017-), Wang Peiyao (IO-CAS, 2018-), Song Xue (CUGB, 2020-)

PhD: Michael Bruce (Queensland, 2000), Laure Sevin, Robyn Frankland, Derek Hopper, Michael Peterson and Matthew Painter (before 2003), Debleena Banerji (Houston, 2004), Shaun Lavis (Cardiff, 2005), Huichu Wang (CUGB, 2008), Yuanyuan Xiao (Durham, 2012), Piaoer Fu (co-supervised, Lanzhou, 2012), Hui Huang (Durham, 2014), Pengyuan Guo (Lanzhou, 2015), Yu Zhang (Lanzhou University, 2015), Fengli Shao (IO-CAS, 2017), Pu Sun (IO-CAS, 2017), Shuo Chen (IO-CAS, 2018), Juanjuan Kong (IO-CAS, 2018), Yi Liu (CUGB, 2018), Shen Fangyu (IO-CAS, 2017-), Chen Yanhong (CUGB, 2017-), Yining Shi (CUGB, 2020-), Boyang Xia (CUGB, 2020-)

Postdoctoral collaborators: Marcel Regelous (UK, Germany), Immo Wendt (Germany), Michael Bruce (Australia), Huaikun Li (China), Shuguang Song (China), Fanxue Meng (China), Xun Wei (China), Guodong Wang (China), Youqing Wei (China), Shuo Chen (China), Pu Sun (China)

14. Past and current collaborators

Australia: Michael Bruce, Ken Collerson, Tony Ewart, Trinity Gilmore, Alan Greig, Rod Holcombe, Suzie Mackie and Simon Turner.  Canada: Rejean Hérbert and Mike Lesher.  China: Cao Yi, Chen Huailu, Chen Yuxiao, Chung Sun-Lin, Deng Jinfu, Fang Nianqiao, Gao Shan, He Zhenyu, Huang Xiaolong, Li Huaikun, Li Wenyuan, Liu Dong, Meng Fanxue, Mo Xuanxue, Song Shuguang, Su Li, Su Shangguo, Wang Chao, Wang Huichu, Wang Mengjue, Wei Chunjing, Xu Xin, Xu Xisheng, Xu Yigang, Yu Xuehui, Zhang Guibin, Zhang Lifei, Zhang Mingjie, Zhang Zhaowei, Zhao Zhidan, Zhou Su, Zhou Xinmin, Zhu Dicheng.  France: Nick Arndt, Daniel Bideau and Roger Hékinian.  Germany: Wolfgang Bach, Christoph Beier, Jörg Erzinger, Marcel Regelous, Immo Wendt. UK: Tim Elliot, Godfrey Fitton, Alex Halliday, Emma Humphreys, Shaun Lavis, Chris MacLeod, Horst Marschall, Mike O’Hara, Julian Pearce, Paul Pogge von Strandmann, Julie Prytulak, Andy Saunders and Marjorie Wilson.  USA: Jeff Alt, Paul Asimow, Rodey Batiza, Pat Castillo, Mike Cheadle, Henry Dick, Bob Fisher, Jim Hawkins, Claude Herzberg, Susan Humphris, Jill Karsten, Ro Kinzler, Charlie Langmuir, Peter Lonsdale, John Mahoney, Jim Natland, Sune Nieldon, John Sinton, Sofia Stone, Guy Waggoner, Haibo Zou and Alan Zindler.

15. Teaching experiences/activities

I have enjoyed teaching at various levels in Geology/Earth Sciences departments in China, USA, Australia and UK since 1982, while studying and conducting research in the intervening years, for the following subjects, courses, and seminars:

1.   Mineralogy, crystallography and optical mineralogy (China, USA & Australia);

2.   Rocks & Minerals (USA);

3.   Ore microscopy and ore deposits (China);

4.   Field mapping/excursions (China, Australia, USA & UK);

5.   Igneous petrology (Australia, USA);

6.   Metamorphic Petrology (Australia, US & UK):

7.   Trace element and radiogenic isotope geochemistry (Australia, USA);

8.   Thermodynamics for geologists (Australia, USA);

9.   Marine geology (portions on deep sea sampling, ocean basin topography, morphology, structures, and plate tectonics; Australia);

10. Analytical methods in geochemistry (for Honours and Graduate students; Australia);

11. Frontiers in Earth Science/Geodynamics seminars (Australia, China, UK)

12. Petrology, geochemistry and global tectonics (China, UK)

16. Laboratory experiences/skills

1.   Routine application of petrographic microscopes (both transmitted and reflected lights) (China, USA, Australia, UK).

2.   Extensive experience using electron microprobe for analyzing major and minor elements in igneous, metamorphic, and ore minerals, and volcanic glasses (USA, Australia).

4.   Extensive experience using Scanning electron microscope for imaging and analyzing major and minor elements in igneous, metamorphic, and ore minerals (Australia, UK).

5.   Experience using piston cylinder (PC) apparatus synthesizing mineral assemblages at high P-T conditions (USA).

6.   Extensive experience working in, maintaining, and overseeing clean and ultra-clean geochemistry laboratories (USA, Australia).

7.   Experience using Thermal ionization Mass Spectrometers (TIMS) (USA, Australia).

8.   Seven years’ experience setting up and developing analytical techniques for Inductively-coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) (Australia).

9.   Setting up ICP-OES with laser sampler (Australia).

10. Involved in developing analytical techniques with Micromass MC-ICP-MS Isoprene (Australia).

11. Involvement in setting up elemental analytical facilities (ICP-OES, ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS etc) with Julian Pearce and others at Cardiff University (UK).

12. Setting up an ICP-MSfacilityat University of Houston (USA).

13. Setting up an LA-ICP-MS facilityat China University of Geosciences in Beijing (China)

14. Helped with setting up a trace element and radiogenic isotope facility at Lanzhou University (China)

15. Helped with setting up a trace element and radiogenic isotope facility at Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao, China)

17. Research grants

My research has been financially supported by US NSFAustralian ARCUK NERCChinese NSFThe Royal SocietyThe Leverhulme Trust, Chinese Geological SurveyChinese Academy of SciencesUniversity of QueenslandUniversity of HoustonLanzhou UniversityChina University of Geosciences in Beijing and Durham University over the years.

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